Objectivity, subjectivity, cause and effect in the relativity theory
The relativity theory united the two, looks like different entities, the space and the time into one integrity, space-time. This thought ...
The relativity theory united the two, looks like different entities, the space and the time into one integrity, space-time. This thought ...
The description of the photon and the electron (as a boson and as a fermion) based on the grid field have several relativity theory cons...
What is time means and how it is represented in the grid field theory? In several thoughts before in the thought of "A theory of ti...
In the grid field theory, the electron and every other particle, which has resting mass, described as a closed-loop. A closed-loop of vi...
Developing the general theory of relativity, Albert Einstein recognized the principle of equivalence. According to this principle, an ade...
According to the grid theory, our physical world exists on a grid structure. Everything that we experience is the different states of th...