The end of time - how the universe works without time
Time is a special thing. It is always with us. We live in it. It surrounds us, we can't get rid of it. It seems to be part of the phy...
Time is a special thing. It is always with us. We live in it. It surrounds us, we can't get rid of it. It seems to be part of the phy...
Matter tells space-time how to curve According to the grid model , space itself is a solid structure of the grid particles. The "...
Why wouldn't have? Every electron is the same, isn't it? Of course, they have the same charge. The case is not that simple. Ele...
Our universe contains only matter and only traces of antimatter. Antimatter exists only until it meets the matter counterpart and annihil...
The sum over history is a useful approach to the quantum world. At the same time, it is a strange approach too. It assumes that the quant...
As we know, spin one particles can occupy the same place and spin one-half particles cannot. Why is this difference, where is it come fr...
The description of the photon and the electron (as a boson and as a fermion) based on the grid field have several relativity theory cons...
What is time means and how it is represented in the grid field theory? In several thoughts before in the thought of "A theory of ti...
In the grid field theory, the electron and every other particle, which has resting mass, described as a closed-loop. A closed-loop of vi...