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The constituents of elementary particles

 According to the current view of science, elementary particles, like electrons or quarks, are elementary because they cannot be broken down...

 According to the current view of science, elementary particles, like electrons or quarks, are elementary because they cannot be broken down into further constituents, i.e. they have no internal structure. (Interaction mediator particles, such as the photon or the gluon, are also considered to be elementary, without internal structure, but the physical entity of these particles require further considerations not discussed in this thought).

If we look at the transformations of elementary particles and find if one elementary particle is transformed into more than one other particles, the explanation is that the transforming particle does not actually contain the particles that are the result of the transformation as components, but through the contribution of the energy present, which may be energy represented by mass or energy expressed by motion, or even energy represented by vacuum and intermittently borrowed from the vacuum, and according to certain and definite rules, the transformation of the particles experienced in practice can take effect. 

For example, in the case of particle accelerators, an inappropriate analogy to describe the changes that occur when particles collide is as if we were trying to study the structure of clocks by observing the parts flying apart when they collide, because elementary particles have no internal structure, therefore no constituent parts, and therefore cannot fall apart, but a transformation takes place through energy-mass equivalence and specific laws. 

The laws governing the various possible transformations of elementary particles are the laws of conservation of properties. In the transformations, the amounts of total energy, momentum, electric charge, spin, lepton and baryon numbers involved in the transformations are essentially unchanged.

Laws of conservation, however, are actually laws of symmetry. (Symmetry is defined as when certain changes do not cause a change of state.) Behind every law of conservation of a property there is a present symmetry, and every present symmetry causes the conservation of some measure of a property

This mean for example, that an electron, as an elementary particle, has energy (which is expressed as rest mass and kinetic energy, momentum, which generally refers to the forward or rotational motion of the energy present), electric charge (of which we do not know what it is, we can only characterize its behavior), and the positive lepton number, which is a property that indicates the type of the elementary particle. Under transformations, behind these properties must be symmetries that define the quantities related with the appropriate properties.

We also know that elementary particles are essentially wave-like entities, and that the wave-like nature of elementary particles follows necessarily from some kind of vibrational state. Since elementary particles are stably existing wave-nature, vibrational entities, they are necessarily resonances (locally existing, self-contained, stable form of vibrations), and resonances must also have symmetries associated with their existence. Since these stably existing resonances as particles obviously differ from each other according to the type of the particle, they also have different properties, and the associated symmetries necessarily imply conserved quantities related to the properties of the particles.

The different kinds of elementary particles are stable resonances of different vibrational states, so the elementary particles apparently have no other constituent parts, but carry different symmetries, and the transformations of the elementary particles are the necessary conservation of the quantities of properties represented by these symmetries. And the nature and form of their interactions with each other is manifested in their transformation into possible resonances corresponding to the probabilities arising from the interferences resulting from their vibrational states, and in the conservation of the associated quantities required by the apparent symmetries. Elementary particles existing as resonances have symmetries, and the laws of transformation of elementary particles are the laws of transformation of possible resonances and the corresponding symmetries and consequently conservation of properties for the entire system participating in the interaction.

The fundamental question is: what kind of system can have the properties that make up our experienced world, produced by the symmetries of stable resonances arising from the vibrational states of the components of the system?

Our current physical worldview describes elementary particles, the building blocks of our world as different quantized vibrational excitations of coexisting fields that carry definite properties, but the physical reality and origin of these different fields is not explicitly stated in physical theories, only that they were created at the creation of the universe and that they are part of the physical vacuum. 

Particles can have vibrational states. Consequently, from what has been discussed above, the physical reality of fields existing in our current worldview can be strikingly analogous to a space made up of particles (let's call it grid particles and consider that all of those are the same), where these particles can have different vibrational forms and modes. These possible different forms and modes of vibrations would correspond to the different fields, and the cooperative vibrations of the grid particles corresponding to the possible modes of their vibrational states would create resonances specific to the system, which are the elementary particles of the physical world we experience and the structures they form. Solid-states can have similar physical constituents - quasiparticles - so the physical space could be strikingly similar to a physical solid state composed of particles with different vibrational states characteristic to the system. 

This supposed space can have fundamental natural properties inherent in our experienced physical world:

  • This physical space is made up of grid particles, which are arranged in an orderly manner and are in the physical range of the known Planck sizes, defining the physical scales of our experienced universe.

  • The continuous, chaotically random vibrational motion of the grid particles that make up space can be considered to be the physical vacuum.

  • From the random vibrational motions of the grid particles, according to the possible symmetries specific to the possible vibrations of grid particles forming the space, co-motion synchronized (stable) vibrations or locally existing (self-contained) vibrational states, resonances can be formed (the particles of our material world), which can exist freely in space. 

  • These synchronous vibrations represent also an energy difference between the random vibrational motion of the grid particles and the co-motion of the grid particles forming the synchronous vibrations, corresponding to the terminology of the self energy, the mass of the actual elementary particle we experience.

  • The vibrations of the grid particles that make up the space affect each other in an action-reaction manner according to the coupling coefficient specific to the system. The magnitude of the characteristic interaction (coupling coefficient), as for example the permeability and permittivity of the space, determines the speed of propagation of the grid particle vibrations, which corresponds to the speed of propagation of the effect in space. In today's terminology, this is expressed as a maximum speed of propagation that exists in space, for example of light speed, the speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum. 

  • The change in distance between particles vibrating next to each other due to the effect of conversion from random to synchronized vibration of the particles forms and results in a change in the geometry of the solid lattice of grid particles. This effect is what is called gravity in today's terminology. Since in the grid-model, the geometry of space is not directly defined by the oscillatory motion of the grid particles, but is related to the change in distance between them, which is a continuous metric, the natural consequence of this model is that there be no quantized model of description of gravity exists. 

  • Forming of space, the variation of the distance of the grid particles from each other due to synchronized vibrations, the geometry of space creates a density gradient of the grid particles, which influences the direction of the most probable propagation of the effects of grid particle on each other, defining a direction of motion of the synchronized vibrations under no influence, the inertia of motion in today's terminology of the particles without external influence of the empirical world. 

By studying the properties and determining the laws of our empirical world, we can infer the nature and specific properties of this hypothetical space, the solid states of grid particles that could make up and form our experienced universe.

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