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The highest unique value

What is our most important quality, what is our greatest unique value that comes from our personal human existence? We can say that our ...

What is our most important quality, what is our greatest unique value that comes from our personal human existence?

We can say that our greatest unique value is our consciousness. Our quality is that we are able to recognize the objectivity of our existence. We have self-awareness, and this quality allows us to recognize that the world exists, and we, personally, exist in it.

Consciousness is truly the greatest miracle of the material world, a property of matter that we still have only conjectures about how it is possible, how it can exist, how it could have been created.

However, consciousness is not a unique nature of our human existence. Although self-awareness is an internal property and therefore we do not know whether it is possessed by another living creature, it is almost certain from circumstantial evidence that many members of the animal kingdom also have consciousness.

Self-awareness may be the greatest miracle of the material world, but it is not the greatest unique value. It is not the unique quality that is most important, and that gives the greatest value of our personal existence.

We can say that our greatest value is our ability to know the existing world. Getting to know the world that exists is an important attribute of ours and requires complex, high-level abilities. To know the existing world, in addition to our consciousness, we also need a high level of intelligence, problem-solving ability, the recognition of causal relationships, and also curiosity, the motivation that constantly operates these qualities.

However, the ability to know the existing world is also not our greatest unique value. Although we humans have taken it to the highest level, almost every member of the animal kingdom has some level of ability to know the world.

We can say that our greatest unique value is that we are consciously and intentionally able to change and shape the material world. It is also a quality that we humans have taken to the highest level. We are able to build machines, cities, change the environment according to our needs and wants. We are able to live continuously in space, even if not yet self-sufficient way.

The shaping of the existing world is truly based on our unique properties. Only human is able to gather and accumulate knowledge from cognition. This ability presupposes a high level of communication ability, the ability to speak, and the accumulation of knowledge requires the recording of information, the knowledge of writing.

Knowledge of writing is a unique and important feature of our human nature that has contributed the most to our ability to shape the environment at by far the highest level. However, the formation of the environment is a characteristic of society as a whole, which presupposes the cooperation of society, not the greatest value of our unique human being, our personality.

Our most unique, and thus most important, personal trait is how we use our self-consciousness.

Our self-consciousness forms an intention, a will, which is shaped and influenced by environmental influences, yet the use of self-consciousness is the deepest existing, least accessible from the outside. And as a result of this, it is also our greatest unique value.

How we use our consciousness makes us unique on a personal level and also makes us rankable also. We value our fellow human beings at this level, and society classifies us based on this. We are not directly able to influence and control the intentions and will of others, so we use indirect methods. Society seeks to shape how we use our self-consciousness indirectly, through rewards and punishment, and uses recognition or exclusion to select members of society according to how the self-consciousness is used on a personal level.

There are only indirect ways to influence and control intent and will. The dream of dictators is to control individual self-consciousness, and the most difficult task for free societies is to classify and select according to the applied self-consciousness of the members of the society. That is why the way how we use our self-awareness in person, our unique application is our greatest personal value.

And that is the value that makes us useful to society as well, and that is the value that society should also value us the most. The more individuals in society carry the right intent and will, the more appropriate they use self-awareness, the more successful that society can be in adapting to a changing environment.

The survival of our human race also depends on this. Knowledge of nature, advances in science and technology will only be able to save us from extinction if we are able to use our self-consciousness appropriately.

The greatest value is a person who uses self-awareness appropriately. The realization of this is the highest level of human evolution.

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