The time can be described as a kind of dimension, as the series of the chain of the events, and that sort of description is a fruitful m...

The time can be described as a kind of dimension, as the series of the chain of the events, and that sort of description is a fruitful model in the science. The time can even be described quantitatively as a kind of dimension because the chain of the events obeys to the physical laws and it is objective. However, to understand the time's real physical fundament, we have to abandon the dimension like approach.
The argument about the time in this thought is about its appearance as a dimension, as a part of the physical reality. The argument gives a new kind of approach and states the time's physical reality. States that what we experience as time, as a dimension-like phenomenon only exists subjectively. The time as a physical entity is not a space-like dimension.
The time appears in physics not an ad-hoc way, but presented in formulas, so it must be a deep and objective entity. The statement about the time in this thought is that the time manifested as the vibration of the fundaments of our world, the vibration of the nodes of the grid as described in the grid model. The time as a physical entity appears as a cycle. Its unit is the closed cycle, a whole loop of the states of the grid particles. Everything has its own speed of time, the longevity of the cycle. The statement includes: if the fundaments of a physical process do not build on closed loops of cycles where the starting states and the ending states are the same, it does not have its own time unit, the metrics of time does not apply to that physical process.
The time as a physical entity not even cumulative, so it does not have direction. We subjectively feel that the time has dimension because it looks like has direction, but this direction like phenomena does not belong to the time's physical entity, it belongs to the multi-particle systems, how these systems behave. This direction like phenomenon is defined and explicitly described in the science of the entropy. It is connected to the time, as time is the chain of events. However the time does not have direction, entropy does. And time is not dimension either. The time manifested in the closed loops, the cycles of the waves created on the grids according to the grid model.
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