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Wednesday, March 26


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Speculative Cosmology: Beginning and the End

Events happen and time exists only since the birth of the universe. Before the birth of the universe, changes did not exist. But change ...

Events happen and time exists only since the birth of the universe. Before the birth of the universe, changes did not exist. But change is always based on something compared to. If nothing exists, then time does not exist. But if only one thing exists, then no change happens either, and time still cannot exist.

Maybe the universe existed before its birth but in a unique condition, when it had no different parts; perhaps the whole universe existed in only one part. Then time did not exist either. If the changes only started when the universe was born, then it does not exclude the possibility that space itself already existed before. Maybe only when the universe was born, it became more than one part. And this is how time was born too.

Perhaps the universe was not born but only began to change. Is this what we call the Big Bang?

Perhaps the whole universe existed before its birth in a condition which may be a specific quantum state, as the superfluidity and superconductivity are special quantum states as well.

And so maybe the universe will end in this way as well? Will each individual and distinct change cease and everything becomes one?

And maybe this is how it starts again?

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